Smart Garden

Nowadays, no one has the time to maintain the plants because all are busy with their work, as a result the plants are getting dry. This system will monitor your garden continuously and sense the soil moisture level and feed the water to the plants until it's getting enough water.

Smart Garden

how it works

Everybody loves tech gadgets, But our’s is different. Here is how it works. Its should be simple. Add how easy is to install your product

Connect Device

Connect the solenoid valve in the inlet pipe of your garden and insert the soilmoisture sensor at right place in your garden. And then connect the solenoid valve and soil moisture sensor with the smart garden system as described in the manual.

Configure it

Configure the minimum and maximum soilmoisture range, check time and time duration by using mobile application.

Yay! Done.

Now your garden is completely under the controll of Ramarson-SmarGarden device. It will automatically sense the soilmoisture level and based on that it will water the plants.

The Benefits

Smart Garden

Monitoring Soil Moisture

Continuously checking the soil moisture level in your garden.

Configure Times

User can configure the timings when the system has to check moiture level and water the plants.

Security First

Configure the maximum time duration for the garden to get enough water. It Avoids uncertainity.

Innovative Idea

It will take care the plants even you are in vocation. Keeps watering at configured time based on the moisture level.

Save your time

Even it reduce your time to watering your garden. You may feel free to start work and go vocations.

Designed for Terrace and Balcony Garden

This system is specially designed to water the plants in terrace garden and balcony garden.

Mobile App for Smart Garden

The smart garden connects to your android devices using WiFi, you can monitor soilmoisture level and also can controll the value manually whenver you want to water your garden.

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